A downloadable project


Graphic recording is the visually supported recording of key messages at any type of event. This project involved the conception and realisation of a graphic recording for a video lecture.


There are many conspiracy theories - so it's surprising that researchers haven't been looking into them for so long. But what is the truth behind the theories? What is the basic principle behind these powerful, sometimes dangerous views?

Final Graphic Recording

Graphic Recording by Christina Burkhardt

(Download as PDF and JPG below)


The graphic recording was based on the following documentation:

"Wahn oder Wahrheit: Das verbirgt sich hinter Verschwörungstheorien | Quarks"

HS Ansbach - VIS

This Graphic Recording was created at the Visualization and Interaction in Digital Media (VIS) program of HS Ansbach

Supervised by:  Prof. Sebastian Stamm (Graphic Recording WS 2023/24)


Graphic Recording Christina Burkhardt.pdf 6.1 MB
Graphic Recording Christina Burkhardt.jpg 3.1 MB

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